Javerbaum Wurgaft Hicks Kahn Wikstrom & Sinins is pleased to announce that its managing partner, Eric G. Kahn, was recently voted to become a Fellow of the International Society of Barristers. Mr. Kahn will be inducted at the Society’s next annual meeting in San Diego, California in April 2016.
The International Society of Barristers was created in 1965 and is dedicated to preserving trial by jury, the adversary system and an independent judiciary. Members of the Society are committed to the highest ethical standards, and to excellence in their personal and professional relationships. Membership into the Society is limited, and the Society has numbers from every State in the United States of America, in addition to the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and from several countries including Australia, Canada, England, Scotland and Ireland. There are less than 700 members worldwide. Lawyers may not apply for memberships in the Society, but rather new Fellows are elected by the Society’s Board of Governors after being nominated by an existing Fellow, and after inquiry as to the nominee’s skills as a trial lawyer, personal and professional integrity and peer reviews from other lawyers and judges familiar with the nominee.